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Digitalized Permit to Work Forms

Recognizing that the format and flow of forms may vary from site to site, we offer tailor-made Digitalized Permit to Work Forms designed to facilitate online real-time application, issuance, and tracking of permits for high-risk activities. Our customizable forms ensure seamless management of permits for the following activities:

1. Working in confined spaces
2. Working with electrical hazards
3. Working in lift shafts
4. Operating or moving mobile cranes, heavy machinery, and piling rigs on site
5. Performing hot work
6. Using ladders for work above ground
7. Conducting lifting operations with tower cranes, mobile cranes, crawler cranes, or similar equipment (excluding lifting operations with loads not exceeding 2.5 tonnes within 2.5 metres from the edge of such crane)

Users simply need to utilize our web-based platform to apply for and approve the forms. Authority can be assigned to different user roles as needed. All data collected through these forms are displayed on our Centralized Management Platform (CMP), providing a comprehensive overview and ensuring safety compliance.



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